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Basic Positions Lesson #2 ~ Obeisance

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2011, 01:20
by Moreta
There are several possible positions of obeisance, but the most common is generally what is expected when the command to obeisance is given. The slave starts from kneeling in Nadu (or Tower) and bends forward, placing her forehead to the floor/ground and extending her arms in front with palms flat on the ground. From this position, the slave may lick or kiss the feet of a free person. The wrists may also be crossed.
This position is commonly automatically assumed when one's owner or a high ranking free person enters a room or area, or when a slave wishes to placate or beg.

Re: Basic Positions Lesson #2 ~ Obeisance

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2012, 17:07
by Fabricean
Read and understood.

Re: Basic Positions Lesson #2 ~ Obeisance

PostPosted: 18 Sep 2012, 01:28
by dragon50
I have read and understand Mistress will work on this one.