Welcome to the Radio Airwaves Chat Lounge Entry Here, you can interact with the DJs and other listeners, see what is playing in real time, make requests, and more! Click the Radio Airwaves banner above to tune in.
The IRC servers where we play are for ADULTS ONLY! If you'd like to visit our all ages chat, check out our Discord server!
Start chatting by entering a nickname (no spaces) in the Nickname box and clicking the start button below. It's that simple!
To request a song, type !request [song title] [artist] in the chat room. To join more Radio Airwaves sponsored rooms, click here.
We DJ in all the rooms below. To join any of them, type, "/join #Room_Name", in the text field, after you are signed in. (Eg: "/join #Gorean_Living")Each room has their own rules. Please remember to read and adhere to them.
#Gorean_Living #The_Manor #The_Warrior's_Hand #GryphonManor #Koroban_Kaverns #women_are_property_of_men #The-Music-Box #Kongregate #Radio-Airwaves-Lounge |