Story dances, as their name implies, each tell a story, and each telling of the story will be different as each slave feels these things differently.
There are endless possibilities for story dances, and slaves are encouraged to be creative.
Here are just a few examples of story dances that can be performed.
The Capture Dance
In this dance you are a Panther girl (much like an Amazon.. a wild woman warrior/hunter with no need or desire for men). You are hunting, and then being hunted. There are several logical stages to this dance. It is not overly sexual, but in the end it implies it. This could be modified for male slaves, as well, being a part of a community that is raided by slavers, for instance. Still, the end is the same... You will be a slavers acquisition.
• In the first stage, your dance depicts you on the hunt for prey, you search around looking for you catch. You are a proud Panther girl or Barbarian.
• In the second stage, you have heard some noise, crashing through the underbrush or perhaps cries in the distance of your kin. You go to investigate and see what is the matter.
• The next stage, you are aware that someone is after you. They are stalking you as you had stalked your prey. You are now the hunted.
• The next stage, you are frightened, hearing a slaver coming closer to you, yet excited. You will not be captured, you think.. You will fight with your spear (or sword, knife, axe, etc)!
• You hear them all around you trying to trap you. You try to escape, but can't. They have surrounded you, but you will fight.
• You are being taken roughly by a slaver. He strips you, shackles you, and you are now in his power, a slave.
• The slaver is examining you roughly, you fight your bindings, and he gets rough with you slapping you or whipping you into his submission.
• You give in and submit, offering your submission to him in the way a slave. He may take you sexually if you wish to include that.
• He accepts your submission to him and takes you from your home. You are saddened, weeping, knowing you are now slave to those you would have ruled.
• In the end of the dance you go with him, naked, into a world unknown to you... the world of a slave. He collars you, keeping you bound, leashing you to a chain with the other slaves who have been captured.
The Cage Dance
This dance is the attempt of a neglected slave girl to call herself to her Master's attention. It begins by expressing her frustrations from being neglected, left in her kennel alone without attention from her master.
The Sa-eela is usually performed in the nude, as though by a low slave, and by a girl freed of all impediments except her collar.
One's own master or mistress can be utilized in this dance, or a member of the audience can volunteer to play the part of the owner.
Of course, it can be adapted for male slaves as well.
• With the start of the dance, you are in a large cage. You can't get out. You feel lonely and detached, frustrated for being away from your master/mistress.
• While confined, you seem to hear yourself summonned and see someone coming to take you away. You look up anxiously, but no one is there. You are alone.
• You begin to fantasize about your Master. You don special silks and jewelery for him, then cross your wrists as though being led from the cage but once again, it was only your imagination, as you discover upon reaching the bars. Knowing that you are still in the cage, you fall to the center of the floor and weep.
• Suddenly you do hear a sound. The music changes and you see men coming for you. At first, you don't care, showing indifference, then suddenly you are pleading to be considered. As the cage door opens you kneel in nadu.
• You are momentarily frightened by your jailers and try to run away, but are whipped until you kneel again. You very happy to be taken to your master to dance.
Your eyes should show your excitement.
• You hold out your arms, wrists crossed, happy to be led out of the cage, but then your hands are bound tightly behind you and a man takes your hair, roughly dragging you to where you will dance.
• You are not silked, belled and perfumed as you thought you would be, brought to dance for your master's pleasures alone..
No.. You are brought into a crowded room, full of rough, rowdy and distasteful men who frighten and disgust you. Your own master, engrossed in conversation, a game, or perhaps the beauty of another slave, doesn't even take note of you as you are thrown down on your knees, cruelly before the crowd as a lowly slave, naked and bound.
• Your hands are unbound and you are commanded to rise, to dance for these men.
You put your hands in the air, your wrists together, palms facing outward, as in the beginning of a dance.
• Now are the last stages of the dance, (though the "beginning" of the dance within a dance) where you must make your master want to notice you, to see your beauty and wish to claim you once again. Whether it is your fear of being sold to a cruel owner, or overwhelming desire or love for your master that drives you, you must capture his attention or be whipped and caged again, if not slain, sold or given away.
The Whip Dance
This dance can be performed with another person.. a free person or another slave playing the part of the master/mistress, or the whip weilder can be imaginary, though it is usually moredramatic with at least the sound of the cracking whip.
(note: The slave is usually not ACTUALLY hit with the whip during this dance, unless the slave is truly being forced to dance.. or unless the slave in question enjoys the whip)
• At first you are indifferent to the idea of dancing. You dance, but glare at the Masters who made you dance.
• The whip cracks and you are hit. You show the pain and start to dance with more rhythm; more effort put into your dance. The whip cracks again and you feel the pain searing through your body. You dance as though your life depends on it.
• The whip cracks again. Your body is torn and sore and the master is losing patience. You dance becomes more fevered.. more seductive. It is your ability to dance for him, to him, which will determine your fate.
• As you dance, the master who wields the whip will crack it again and again, not touching your body, but making you dance faster as the music rises to a frenzied pitch.
• Near the end of the dance, is it common for the master holding the whip to send you out into the crowd, making you dance from table to table, hoping for approval from the assembled free, but, by the end, you should be successful in making the Master approve of your dance.