Commands & Modalities ~ Lesson #6 ~ Sleen

This is the training compound for slaves being trained by Moreta.

The Pens are located about a mile from Moreta's Den of Sanguinary Pleasures.

Commands & Modalities ~ Lesson #6 ~ Sleen

Postby Moreta » 16 Nov 2011, 01:27

Also known as "assuming the modality of the s/he-quadruped."
In this position, the slave falls to their hands and knees, head down on the floor, forearms resting flush to the ground, thighs spread wide, with hindquarters upthrust for the viewing or pleasure of the master/mistress.


In addition to just the position, there is "Serving in the modality of the she-quadruped", in which, the slave performs their regular duties upon hands and knees, without the benefit of the use of their hands. In this mode, the slave may not rise to their feet and may use only their mouth and teeth to grasp and manipulate objects.
The slave is also forbidden human speech.
Her movements, unless commanded to roll, or given similar commands, suitable for a pet, will be on all fours.
Her food will be thrown to her, or put in pans on the ground. In either case, she must feed without the use of her hands. She may also, of course, be fed by hand, but, again, will not be permitted to touch the food with her hands.
He may be taught tricks. Sometimes these are taught as functions of arbitrary sounds, so that he must learn them as any animal might, without the benefit of an earlier understanding of the word used. If he is slow to learn, of course, he is punished, as would be any other animal. When used, too, it will commonly be in the modality of the s/he-quadruped.
This discipline is often used as a punishment, but it may figure in the training of a new slave. It helps them to understand what they now are, an animal totally subject to his or her owner.
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Re: Commands & Modalities ~ Lesson #6 ~ Sleen

Postby Fabricean » 17 Aug 2012, 17:06

Read and understood.
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Re: Commands & Modalities ~ Lesson #6 ~ Sleen

Postby dragon50 » 03 Apr 2013, 00:39

I have read and understand my Mistress
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