General Information ~ Lesson #5 ~ Moving like a slave

This is the training compound for slaves being trained by Moreta.

The Pens are located about a mile from Moreta's Den of Sanguinary Pleasures.

General Information ~ Lesson #5 ~ Moving like a slave

Postby Moreta » 17 Nov 2011, 04:45

A slave is meant to be a creature of beauty and grace.. A joy to look upon.
You should always be keeping this in mind as you move about.

Standing, walking, crawling, reclining, changing from one position to another.. All of these things should be done gracefully and beautifully.

Standing and Walking

When walking, think about how you are moving. You aren't just trying to get from one place to another. You are trying to be pleasing to the eye.
Point the toe of the forward foot as you take a step, and place it directly in front of the other after moving it just barely across the rear foot, so you make almost a small circle before you put your foot down with each step. Walk mainly on the balls of your feet.You should glide across the floor like a dancer. Let your hips sway naturally, but don't overdo it.. then you just look like a parody. Keep your back straight and erect, walking proudly as a slave.

When you stop or stand, turn one hip out a bit and point your forward toe.

When you turn, pirouette on the ball of your foot, let your hair flip around to your other shoulder.

Remember your hands. Don't allow them to hang limply at your sides. hold them decoratively, like a dancer.


Running "as a slave" is different from all out running to get somewhere as fast as possible. (Of course, when TRUE speed is required, such as in an emergency, grace and beauty can go out the window in favour of expediency.)

When given the command to "run" (as a slave), do so with rapid short steps, legs almost straight, head turned to the left, back straight, arms at your sides and palms out at a forty-five degree angle. This is really more of a dancer’s motion than a true run.


As with all other forms of movement, think of this as more of a dance movement. Anyone can just crawl in choppy, awkward motions, but a slave..... a slave can make any movement a riot of sensuality!
Envision a cat, stalking prey.... The smooth, fluid motions. Embody that, and then some. Let your hips sway, stretch your arm out languidly in front of you before putting it down on the floor, shimmy your shoulders. smile coyly up at your "audience".
The goal here is to be alluring.
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Re: General Information ~ Lesson #5 ~ Moving like a slave

Postby Fabricean » 17 Aug 2012, 16:42

Read and understood.
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Re: General Information ~ Lesson #5 ~ Moving like a slave

Postby dragon50 » 27 Sep 2012, 00:15

Have read this Mistress and will do my best to please you.
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