
This is the training compound for slaves being trained by Moreta.

The Pens are located about a mile from Moreta's Den of Sanguinary Pleasures.


Postby Moreta » 17 Nov 2011, 05:01

We sometimes get serial cyberers on the site, and though we do try to weed them out a promptly as possible, I just want to make it crystal clear that slaves do NOT have to cyber with ANYONE, if it makes you uncomfortable! Obviously, slaves are available for sexual services, but you are totally allowed, and actually, encouraged, to simply imply things of a sexual nature, rather than go into graphic detail of genital logistics.

It is completely possible to imply carnal delights and hard core getting it on without actually minutely describing the act(s) in detail.

The Den is NOT meant to be a place for cyber sex. It is meant to be a place for more in depth RP for serving and being served by slaves...
Something unique.. Not just more one handed typist fodder.

This isn't to say you aren't allowed to cyber.. Just that it should not be the main focus, it is preferred that anything too graphic that goes on for long at all be moved to YOMs or IM or something, and you are absolutely, positively, not required to do it! The Den is an inn with exquisitely trained slaves, skilled all manner of services and entertainments. The brothel is in Mount Olympus and far cheaper, if someone is looking for that.

If someone is being more graphic than you are comfortable with (within reason), YOM them and let them know you are uncomfortable, and tell them what you will be okay with.

If they persist after that, let me know or petition it.

You are supposed to be on this site to have fun.. not to provide idiots with wanking material against your wishes!
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Re: Cybering

Postby Moreta » 17 Nov 2011, 15:37

muhesoti asked:
is this a RULE or more of a general guideline?

Which part? It is a rule that no one is allowed to try to pressure you into cybering. It is my preference that any graphic sexual content be taken to YOMs, rather than using the Den for outright cybering. There is much that can be implied, without being graphic. There are "alcoves" in the Den.. which a slave can be taken into for use.

The main point of the post though, was to make it absolutely clear that no one who plays one of my slaves has to cyber. At all.. And that I will back you up and take care of it for you if anyone tries to make an issue of it.
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Re: Cybering

Postby Slave Kitty » 06 Jun 2012, 11:03

Read and Understood Mistress.
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Re: Cybering

Postby Fabricean » 17 Aug 2012, 16:31

Read and understood.
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Re: Cybering

Postby dragon50 » 17 Sep 2012, 16:10

I have read and understand Mistress, and will keep these things in mind
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