Moreta's Den of Sanguinary Pleasures is a privately owned inn for adult clientèle who's tastes run to the more exotic and/or luxurious.
All manner of food and drink are available there, as well as cigars, speciality items and lodging.
If there is something a patron would like that we do not have, we will find it and special order it.
All food, drink and lodging cost are to be made directly to the coffers.
Obviously, guests who misuse the system will find themselves no longer welcome.
The majority of serving and entertainment is provided by slaves who are either owned by the Den or have been sent to train there by their owners.
The use of Den owned slaves whilst on the premises comes with the cost of food or drink, but as they are property of the establishment, you may not cause permanent harm to any of them, nor may they be removed from the premises without authorisation. Intimate use of privately owned slaves, who may be there for training purposes, must be negotiated with their respective owners.
If you have any other questions which are not answered here or in related threads, feel free to ask.