Character information, story lines, Realm Wide Role Play, and anything related to the goings on in Lyrean, Sanctuary, and other LotGD sites.
If you would like to have a section added for your favourite LotGD site, just let me (Moreta) know!
Game Play Discussion
The subject should be pretty self explanatory.
It is for talking about the actual playing of the game itself. Levelling, forging, mounts, pets, etc.
If you're not sure about something ask an admin or moderator before you post
- 0 Topics
- 0 Posts
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Role Play Guides
This section is for tips, tricks, hints and other information to help us all become better role players.
Everything from basic RP etiquette, to in depth articles on various RP dos and don'ts can be found in this section.
If you have RP tips, suggestions, or questions, post 'em here!
- 7 Topics
- 8 Posts
Last post by Moreta
21 Dec 2011, 13:18
Storyline Development
Use this space to flesh out or provide background for in game storylines.
(Please post *character* back stories in Character Bios.) If you would like a specific sub board created (if you expect multiple threads in that area, for instance), contact Moreta.
Subforums: Realmwide Storylines & Events, Realmwide RP Event Suggestions!, RP Event Coordinators, Moreta's Holdings, Moreta's Den of Sanguinary Pleasures, The Den's Slaves, Former Den Slaves, The Slave Pens, Chores
- 61 Topics
- 165 Posts
Last post by Moreta
12 May 2015, 13:21
Character Bios
Post your character's bio, back story, special abilities, updates, etc here.
The thread title should contain your character name.
If you have a lot of character info, updates, etc, and would like your own sub board in this section, Message Moreta.
Subforums: Roxy, Athos, Moreta, Moreta's Portrait Album, Updates
- 33 Topics
- 33 Posts
Last post by Vittoria
31 Mar 2012, 11:53
Avvie Alley
Discussions and examples of or relating to avatars.
You can also ask for help with creating, finding, or editing avatars here.
- 1 Topics
- 1 Posts
Last post by Moreta
17 Feb 2012, 09:11
Coder's Corner
This is a place for aspiring, novice and experienced coders alike to share tips, tricks, links and module help. And, of course, to chat and commiserate about coding wins and woes.
- 1 Topics
- 1 Posts
Last post by Moreta
16 Nov 2011, 14:52
Everything having to do specifically with Lyrean
Subforums: Lyrean Improvement Room Annex, Dwelling Modules/Changes/Additions, Tribe Modules/Changes/Additions, Jungle Special Events/Modules, Lyrean Site/Game Issues/Bugs/etc, Known Issues, Report Issues
- 14 Topics
- 15 Posts
Last post by Moreta
25 Jun 2013, 12:09
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